
Showing posts from October, 2024

blog feedback and learner response

  Y10 blog feedback October 2024 COXHILL, Scarlett WWW: A fantastic start to Media Studies – well done for completing all your blog work! Your fruit bowl is creative and well designed and showcases your technical ability. It is promising that you are aiming for a top Grade for your GCSE grade – let’s achieve this! I respect your honesty about your screen time and well down for breaking down exactly what you are using your smartphone for. EBI: Ensure that all blog work is completed to a high standard and complete any extension work if you would like to achieve a top grade in the subject. For the Mise-en-scene and camerawork blog I feel you could have written slightly more and used further media terminology to extend your analysis responses. LR: Create a new blogpost on your Media blog called ‘Blog feedback and Learner Response’. Copy and paste this WWW/EBI feedback into your blogpost then complete the LR tasks/questions below. Reflect on your first month of Media. What do you feel is yo

Introduction to Media - index so far

  1) First blog task - 10 questions 2) Denotation and Connotation 3) Introduction to Photoshop: fruit bowls 4) Mise-en-scene: Stranger Things 5) Camerawork: shots and angles 6) Camera movement and editing 7) Blog feedback and learner response

Camera movement and editing

  1) Pick  three   aspects of  camera movement  in the Minority Report clip. Identify the  type  of camera movement and write about why the director chose to use that camera movement in the scene and what effect it has on the audience. They use crane movement when they are flying towards him. One reason thy use this might be to show that they are ore important that him and that he is weak and inferior. Another reason they use this might be to display what is happening as it gives you a clear view of where everyone is and the setting in the scene. They use pan when he is looking at the fence. One reason for this might be to show the two characters different emotions as one is disappointed and trying to figure out what to do but the other is glad but calm. Another reason might be so that you can try and predict what is going to happen because it shows the man then the women then the weapon she is holding suggesting conflict. A third reason might be to add urgency and tension to the scene

camerawork blog task

  1) Pick  three  camera   shots  from the Doctor Who scene and explain what type of shot it is and what meanings or effect they have on the audience. A medium close up is used to show urgency and emotions when the lady is saying "forget about the key and that's an order". The shot helps us understand how serious the topic is and how important what she is saying is. it also lets us see her face more closely which lets us see her facial expressions and understand the situation. The use of medium shots and long shots when the three people are in the lab/computer room shows the background which helps us understand that what they are working on. It gives us the impression that they are smart and can create world changing devices it also suggests that they might be inventors or scientists. There are a lot of extreme close ups on devices and screens to help us show what their job is and what they are trying to do. It also displays urgency. It also lets us see that they have com