Galaxy advert CSP

 1) What key conventions of TV advertising can you find in the Galaxy advert?

Narrative: romance, woman needs saving by the man
Sound: music from a 1950s movie
Camera shots: extreme close up on chocolate
Call to action: Galaxy chocolate helps you solve problems
Logo: Galaxy chocolate bar
Mise-en-scene: setting (famous coast in Italy), reinforces luxury, Actor- Audrey Hepburn famous                                     Hollywood actress in the 195-s (using CGI)

2) What is the key message the Galaxy advert is communicating about its chocolate? The slogan for the advert will help you with this question.

It is luxury and very good and popular.

3) Who is Audrey Hepburn and why did Galaxy select Audrey Hepburn for this advert? 

To create feelings of nostalgia.

4) What is intertextuality?

When on media product references another media product.

5) What Audrey Hepburn films are suggested in this advert and how is this effect created (e.g. mise-en-scene - CLAMPS: costume, lighting, actors, make-up, props, setting)?

The moped prop references Roman holiday
The male actor looks like the actor from Roman holiday.
The setting is similar to Roman holiday.

6) Which of Propp's character types are can be found in the advert and how do they change? (Note: just choose two or three character types that are definitely used in the advert - it does not use all seven). 

The helper is originally the bus driver then later on it becomes the man who is driving Audrey Hepburn
The princess is Audrey Hepburn because she has to be saved by the man
The antagonist is the fruit cart because it stopped Audrey Hepburn's journey

7) How does the advert's narrative (story) follow Todorov's theory of equilibrium?

Equilibrium: It begins with Audrey Hepburn traveling
Disequilibrium: Her journey is stopped by the fruit cart in the road
Resolution: She is driven by the man and continues her journey

8) What representation of celebrity can be found in this advert? Think about how Audrey Hepburn is presented. 

Audrey Hepburn was a famous actor in the 1950s who is depicted as needing help (to be saved)

9) What representations of gender can you find in this advert?

The lady in this advert is depicted as: .Helpless- she cant do anything
                                                             .In need of saving - she needs help from the man
                                                             .Smart, powerful and rude - she takes the bus drivers hat
                                                             .Pretty and feminine - her makeup and outfit

The man in this advert is depicted as: .Strong - He saves the lady
                                                             .Masculine - Drives a car/ helps a lady

10) How are stereotypes subverted at the end of the Galaxy advert to reflect modern social and cultural contexts? 

The lady used the man as her personal chauffer and is shown as strong and powerful in comparison to the man.

Grade 8/9 extension tasks

Read the Framestore case study and the Guardian feature again. How did they recreate an Audrey Hepburn film using location, casting and CGI?

They needed to record over 70 different movements and capture high resolution textures for building their CG Audrey. They needed the perfect Audrey Hepburn double. They needed to have a great performance and ideally share as many characteristics and features possible. They shot at various locations along Italy's Amalfi coast.

Now read this Vintage Everyday feature behind the scenes of the Galaxy advert. What other background information do you learn here regarding the construction of the advert?
  • It took a year to replicate Audrey's face
  • Audrey Hepburn was a chocolate fan and would have been proud to be in the advert
  • They used two actors
  • They filmed over the course of a week
  • They had to build a 3D model of Audrey Hepburn using footage from her film catalogue as well as old images and documentaries.
Women in the 1950s are represented very differently in two of our advertising CSPs: OMO and Galaxy. What similarities and differences can you find by analysing the two products?

Similarities: .Both women wear makeup and are made to look pretty
                     .Both women are saved by someone/something

Differences: .Audrey Hepburn appears as strong at the end
                     .Audrey is saved by a man
                     .The woman in the OMO advert is saved by the product
                     .The woman in the OMO advert is seen only as pretty
